
Homework check

VOCABULARY: digital entertainment (review) Workbook page 97 ex. 6, 7

GRAMMAR: First conditionals (review) page 98 ex. 6, 7

Challenge List of vocabulary (review of all units) page 99


  • speaking : being honest
  • grammar ( causative) : explanation and sb page146 a, b


Homework check

GRAMMAR: have/get something done (review) page 78 ex. 4, 5

LISTENING: Art gallery page 79 ex. 2

Homework Workbook page 76-77 ex. 1-5


Red gimnastas high achievers A2


  •   Vocabulary: Free time activities, page 13, ex. 9 and 10
  • Writing: Sentences about activities you like, page 13, ex. 11.
  • Grammar: Present Simple questions, page 14, ex. 1,2, 3, 4 and 5.
  • Speaking: Challenge; What is your opinion about each photo?, What do you think about….?. page 15, ex. 1 and 3.Actividad de evaluación.


Unit 4 We can do it!

GRAMMAR: past simple/present perfect (explanation) page 48 ex. 1, 2

SPEAKING: talking about experiences page 48

Juegos del libro

10/12/2019 ZAB IND JULENE

SB page 17 & 18

  • SPEAKING: part 3 collaborative task about advancing in your career
  • VOCABULARY: Modals

HOMEWORK: Wb pag 12 (modals) + SB page 20 (reading)


SPEAKING: Family, changes in our life priorities, travels, doctors,…

10/12/2019 ZAB-ACHIEVERS 1.1


READING AND LISTENING: In the garden. Student’s book page 48 ex. 1

VOCABULARY: fruits and vegetables. Student’s book page 48 ex. 2-3; Activity book page 48 ex. 1-2

LISTENING: A cheer to fruit. Student’s book page 49 ex. 1

SPEAKING: What’s this? Student’s book page 49 ex. 2

GRAMMAR: Demonstratives. Explanation and exercises. Student’s book page 49 ex. 3

GRAMAR: Definite articles. Explanation and exercises. Activity book page 49 ex. 1-3

Games to review


Reading(Party vocabulary): Wb page 24 Ex.2

Writting(It´s, they´re): Wb page 24 Ex.3

Reading(Numbers and candles): Sb page 25 Ex.1

Speaking(How old are you): Sb page 25 Ex.2



  • Interaction vocabulary( asking and giving information) student’s book page 26 express yourself
  • Speaking ( David calling to ask for information about the castle climbing Wall): student’s book page 26 ex 1
  • Listening ( david’s call) : student’s book page 26 ex 2,3,4,5
  • Listening ( on the phone) : workbook page 26 ex 2
  • Reading ( dialogue between Mark and Jamie) : workbook page 26 ex 3
  • Game: guess it!