28th of January

Vocabulary: Sports equipment (page 23)

Writing: Story

Homework: Finish writing

28th of January

Idiom: give someone the cold shoulder

Use of English: Transformations + word formation (page 17)

Speaking: Taboo

Homework: Story and reading

28 january ( achv2)

  • The maquinist 
  • Review unit 2 ( page 32 nº1-2-3)
  • Activity book ( teacher`s book) page 32 ( nº1-2 )
  • Homework: descrption about the weekend

28 january( achv1)

  • The maquinist
  • Numbers from 1 to 60
  • Review vocabulary furniture  ( living room, bedroom, armchair, sofa)
  • Student´s book page 48 nº1-2-3 and page 49 nº1  ( unit3)
  • Vocabulary games – i´-flashcards 

27th of January

Grammar: Reported speech

Vocabulary: Shopping

Homework: Bring two stories from «never liked it anyway» to class

27th January S.A.S

Homework corerction.


  • Students book page 10 ex 1
  • Students book page 236ex 1

Vocabulary: Describing people 

  • Appearance (What does he/she look like?)

straight hair,  curly, wavy, overweight, slim,thin, beard, short, tall and bald

  • Personality (What is he/she like?)

clever, lazy, talkative, kind, mean, quiet and funny

  • Face parts

  • Body parts


Homework: Study all the vocabulary for the test next lesson.

27th January INF5

Vocabulary/ Listening

  • Family members:

brother, sister, mummy,daddy, grandma and grandpa


  • Daily routines:

Brush your teeth, brush your hair, wash you hands, wash your face and have a bath.


  • Action verbs:

Run, skip, hop, stop, tiptoe,jump and walk 


Speaking: Answering questions

Who is this? What colour is this? how many fingers? Can you skip? Can you wash your hands

27th January ACH 4.2

Homework correction.

Grammar: Question words in Simple Past

When did you, what did you, how long, where did you..?


  • Student´s book page 22 ex 1
  • Students book page 22 x 2

Speaking: Asking an answering each other questions


No homework given.


27 january (infant5.6)

  • Daily routine ( hello ollie + songs, what´s the weather like today )
  • Review i-flashcards + games
  • Ollie´s book page 33
  • Draw for the class
  • Represent actions: have a bath, brush your teeth, wash your hands,brush your hair,flush the toilet, get dressed
  • Family tree
  • Tidy up
  • Bye-bye ollie 

27th of January

Reading: Story revision + exercises pages 26 and 27

Birthday cake drawing