November 19th

Grammar:Review of the comparatives and superlatives adjectives.


  • Comparatives: We use than when we want to compare one thing with another:
  • Superlatives :We use the with superlative adjectives:


  • We usually add–er and–est to one-syllable words to make comparatives and superlatives: Example: old-older -the oldest
  • If an adjective ends in a vowel and a consonant, we double the consonant:Example: hot- hotter– the hottest
  • If an adjective ends in a consonant and–y,we change–y to–i and add –er or –est: Example: happy -happier– the happiest
  • We use more and most to make comparatives and superlatives for most two syllable adjectives and for all adjectives with three or more syllables:
  • Example: famous- more famous – the most famous
  • Irregular adjectives: Good- better- the best
  • Bad – worse – the worst


Speaking: Create sentences using the comparative and superlative form.

Example: Claudia is taller than Markel. Hodei is the tallest in the class.


Homework: Memorize the irregular verbs list, page 39- Language reference book.

From the verb ‘to be’ until ‘drive’ in all three columns.