23rd of November

Homework correction: (Any,some, few, little)


  1. Much or many
  • Much: use with uncountable nouns and in negative (-)and question (?) sentences. Example: I don´t have much milk. (milk= uncountable). Do you have much milk?
  • Many: use with plural countable nouns and in positive (+) negative (-)and question (?) sentences. Example:  You have many friends. You don´t have many friends. Do you have many friends? (friends= plural countable)

2. Should or shouldn´t

  • Should: You should eat more vegetables( Yo debería comer más vegetales)
  • Shouldn’t: You shouldn’t smoke. It’s bad for you (No deberías fumar. Es malo para tí)


  • Students book: page 7, excercise 2

Homework: Create four (4) sentences using:

  1. many
  2. much
  3. should
  4. shouldn´t