24th of November ACH 3

Homework correction:

Speaking: What´s in your fridge? There is a…. There are….


  • Countable and uncountable : https://www.anglomaniacy.pl/nouns-countable-uncountable-lesson.htm#introduction
  • Countable noun: are nouns tha we can count : car,book,house. Example: one car, two cars, three cars. They have singular and plural forms: a car/cars
  • Uncountable nouns: are nouns that we CANNOT count: Example: water, money, honey , pasta, milk etc.We cannot say one money, two moneys. They do not have a plural form.
  • Some: We use some in positive sentences (+) before countable plural nouns or uncountable singular nouns,. Example: We cooked some cookies. (+)
  • Any: We use any in negative sentences (-)and questions(?) before countable plural nouns or uncountable singular nouns. Example: I don´t have any milk.
  • There are a few (2 or three)  there are a lot (10+) there aren´t any (zero) : Activity book, page 25, excercise 1 and 2
  • SB page 23, excercise 2
  • SB page 25, excercise 1 and 2 
  • Activity book, page 24 excercise 2

No homework given.