18th of Novemeber ACH 4.2

Homework correction. What´s the time?

Time quiz: https://www.gamestolearnenglish.com/telling-the-time/


  • Review: Some, any, a lot fot, few, little, there is, there are

Some: is used in positive sentences (+) with countable and uncountable nouns. Example: I have some apples in my fridge.

Any: is used in negative sentences(-) with countable and uncountable nouns. Example: There isn´t any bread

A lot of: is used with countable and uncountable nouns meaning a large quantity of something. Example: She has a lot of friends.

Few: is used with countables meaning not many, almost none (negative meaning). Example: I have only few apples (2-3)

Little: is used with uncountable nouns meaning not much almost nothing (negative meaning). Example: I have little money to spend.

  • Student´s book page 7, excercise 3


Homework: Create 5 different sentences using:

  1. some
  2. any
  3. a lot of
  4. few
  5. little