21 october ( infant5)

  • Hello Ollie´s song 
  • Review numbers 1-10 and 10-1 https://youtu.be/DR-cfDsHCG . Review parts of the body with flashcards + a song https://youtu.be/WX8HmogNyCY
  • Flashcards : jump,draw,paint,run + activity : «Let´s jump», «now run»…
  • New vocabulary: short, long, blonde, black, brown.
  • Student´s book: page 9 ( trace and sing) , page 10 ( draw yourself doing something that you like doing) and page 11 ( use the sticker and trace the numbers)
  • Songs: https://youtu.be/VsgpUHUYuJI ( for moving)
  • Bye-bye Ollie´s song