3rd of Decemeber ACH 5


  • Past Simple: S + verb-ed/ irregular 2nd column
  • Past Continuous: S + was/were + verb-ing

While: (While) + (Past Continuous Tense) + (,) (Simple Past Tense)

(Simple Past Tense) + (while) + (Past Continuous Tense)


  • While I was making a birthday cake, a bee flew in the kitchen through the open window.
  • While I was making the birthday cake, I poured a glass of salt instead of sugar into it.


When:(When) + (Simple Past Tense) (,) (Past Continuous Tense)(Past Continuous Tense) (When) + (Simple Past Tense)


  • When the doorbell rang, I was sleeping.
  • John was playing the guitar when Linda came in.


Activity book page 10, exercise  11

Homework: Invent 2 sentences using when and 2 sentences using while.