Entradas de] Álvaro Carreras


ZAB INF 5 11/12/19 Lesson 3   Let´s wake up Ollie and say hello to Ollie and sing! Introducimos el nuevo vocabulario (mummy, daddy, baby, bear; bed chair, porridge, big, médium, small) mediante un cuento titulado “Goldilocks and the three bears” del cual interactuamos entre todos mediante preguntas del mismo; Who’s this?, Is Daddy Bear?, […]


11/12/19 ZAB INF 5 Unit 2 Animals everywhere! Lesson 3   Let´s wake up Ollie and say hello to Ollie and sing! Introducimos el nuevo vocabulario mediante flashcards, i-poster, juegos interactivos y un cuento “Animals are different”, del cual realizamos preguntas e interactuamos entre todos, sobre el cuento mediante preguntas; What is this? Is it […]

11/12/19 ZAB-ACH5.1

ACTIVIDAD DE EVALUACIÓN WRITING: Write five statements about three cities in your country -Student’s Book: page 61 ex. 3  LISTENING: Super buildings’ facts -Student’s Book: page 60 ex. 1   REGULAR ACTIVITIES GRAMMAR: Comparatives (-er than, tallest, as tall as, less tall than) (theory + exercises) -Student’s Book: page 60 ex. 2,3 SPEAKING: Discuss the […]

11/12/19 ZAB-ACH2

ACTIVIDAD DE EVALUACIÓN WRITING: Write a fruit salad récipe -Student’s Book: page 45 ex. 3 SPEAKING: What food does your partner love, like and don’t like? -Student’s Book READING: The importance of eating fruits and vegetables -Student’s Book: page 47 ex. 5   REGULAR ACTIVITIES VOCABULARY: Unit 3 Review – Food -Student’s Book: page 46 […]


  Workbook: page 20 Listening and Vocabulary: Classroom objects Ex. 1 and 2. Page 21. Reading: numbers and classroom objects. Ex. 3 and 4. Interactive games Christmas song: “SANTA” Homework: POP OUT: school objects (cortar, pegar y escribir)