Entradas de] Álvaro Carreras

18/11/19 ZAB-ACH5.1

ACTIVIDADES DE EVALUACIÓN GRAMMAR: Must or musn’t (exercise) -AB: page 22 ex. 2 VOCABULARY: Objects -AB: page 29 ex. 2   REGULAR ACTIVITIES READING: Never say you can’t -STB: pages 52 & 53 LISTENING: Charlie’s summer circus school -STB: page 54 ex. 1 GRAMMAR: Present perfect with already, yet and just. (theory + exercises) -STB: […]


Vocabulary: Delicious food (Apple, meat, milk, carrots, bananas, orange juice, eggs…) with the poster and flashcards We have listened to some food related songs. Draw an apple, banana, carrots, eggs, meat and milk (Student’s book page 20 )

18/11/19 ZAB-ACH2

ACTIVIDAD DE EVALUACIÓN VOCABULARY: Places in the school -AB: page 10 ex. 1   REGULAR ACTIVITIES GRAMMAR: She doesn’t like / They don’t like (theory + exercises) -STB: page 38 ex. 2 READING: Mary and Cary + Mother’s day Surprise -STB: page 39 ex. 1,2,3 + page 40 & 41   HOMEWORK: none


Rutinas diarias: ¿qué día es? ¿en que mes estamos? ¿qué tiempo hace? Saludar a Ollie y cantar su canción. Hemos empezado con la unidad 2 “MY FACE” (mi cara). Hemos aprendido EARS (orejas), EYES (ojos), MOUTH( boca) and NOSE ( nariz). Hemos hecho la página 19 del Students book: Sing. Point and stick. Hemos hecho […]