Entradas de] Álvaro Carreras


  Mintzamena: non bizi zara? Zure bizitokia deskribatu marrazki baten bidez Zer dago klasean? Klaseko objektu desberdinak ikasi ditugu eta deskribatu ditugu Entzumena abestia: zazpi kolore abestia Jolasa: eskolako objektua asmatu Etxerako lanak: hiztegia-adjektiboak ikasi


ZAB ACH 4.1 21/10/19 Reading:  World Friends Exchange blog, page 12, ex. 1 Writing: Write your own message to your friend, page 12, ex. 2 Listening: Say with is happening. (I think they’re playing football), page, 12, ex. 3 Grammar: Present Continuous (Interrogative, negative and affirmative), page 12, ex. 2 and 3. Activity book Vocabulary: […]

21/10/2019 ZAB-ACH5.1 L-X

GRAMMAR: REVIEW unit 3 : will & going to Student’s book page 38 exercise 1 SPEAKING: Future plans Student’s book page 38 exercise 2 LISTENING: Jada’s agenda Student’s book page 39 exercise 2 READING:  The top ten things to do in the city of Galaxia Student’s book page 39 exercise 1 and life in the international […]


  Speaking: Say hi to Ollie Say bye bye to Ollie   Listening: Listen sing and colour (Student’s book page 9) Writing: Look match and trace (Student’s book page 7)   Vocabulary: Little game with flashcards. Find the pair (Flashcards on the board)


  Start Unit 1: Time for school. Students book: page 10 Ex. 1 Reading: Time for school. Ex. 2 Listening: School objects. Students book: page 11 Vocabulary: School objects Grammar: It´s a pencil More practise games.

21/10/2019 OYON-ACH3.2

21/10/2019 Correct homework: Workbook: page 15 Reading: the magic clean-up book Ex. 2. Student´s book: page 16 Listening: what is he doing? Ex. 1 and 2.  page 18 Achieve! Reading: the insect museum Ex. 1 and 2. Workbook: page 16 Grammar: present continuous Ex. 1 and 2.