Entradas de] Álvaro Carreras

30/9/2019 ZAB-ACHIEVERS 1

UNIT 1 READING AND LISTENING: Time for school. Student’s book page 10 ex. 1 VOCABULARY: Clasroom objects. Student’s book page 10 ex. 2; Activity book page 10 ex. 1-2 LISTENING: What’s this? Student’s book page 11 ex. 1 WRITING: Objects of the class. Student’s book page 11 ex. 2; Activity book page 11 ex. 1 […]


Writing: Write what the fortune teller says (Student’s book page 71 ex 4)   Grammar: Will and won’t (Student’s book page 24 exs 1 and 2) Zero conditional (Language reference book page 24 exs 3, 4 and 5) if they don’t finish, they have to finish at home

30/09/19 ZAB-H.ACHB2+

SPEAKING: Discuss the questions about the two paintings -STB: page 79 ex. 1 + page 80 ex. 6, 8,9,10 LISTENING: Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette and Nighthawks + A visit to an art gallery -STB: page 79 ex. 2 + page 80 ex. 2,3,4,5 WRITING: An article about changing attitudes -STB: page 81 […]


  Rutinas diarias: ¿qué día es? ¿en que mes estamos? ¿qué tiempo hace? Saludar a Ollie y cantar su canción. Hemos repasado el vocabulario anterior con un juego. Vocabulary, speaking and listening actividad de evaluación (colores y boy/girl, teacher y school) Hoy hemos empezado con la Unidad 1 MY SCHOOL (mi colegio). Hemos aprendido book […]

30/09/2019 OYON-H.ACHB1+

30/09/2019 Correct homework: student´s book: page 7 Vocabulary: Parts of the body Ex. 5 and 6. Vocabulary health Ex. 7 Studen´t book: page 7 Grammar: pronouns: indefinite and reflexive Ex. 10 and 11. Workbook: page 6 Vocabulary: parts of the body, senses and health Ex. 1-7 (actividad para evaluar)


ZAB INF 5 30/09/19 Review Let’s say hello to Ollie and sing. Repasamos todo el vocabulario de la unidad ( boy, girl, eyes, hair, black, blonde,blue, brown, green, long and short) mediante juegos con las flashcards, Flashcard Cube and Posters and song “What’s your name?” and “ How are you?”. Tidy up song! Bye bye […]


ZAB ACH 4.1 30/09/19 Unit 0 – Welcome! Grammar: is/are/some/any/a lot of/ a few about picture. page 7, ex 3. Activity book: page 7. Ex 2. Repaso de should and should’t: page 7. Ex 1. Refuerzo de los nombres contable e incontables. ex 2. Vocabulary: Food. Countable and uncountable. Days of the week. Speaking: What’s […]