Entradas de] Álvaro Carreras


Let’s say hello and sing Remember boy / girl concepts and colour of the hair and the eyes : speaking practice Student’s book page 5 draw and colour the pictures ( your eyes, hair and face) Student’s book page 6 draw your classmates Tidy up and bye bye songs


ADULTOS A1+ 16/09/19  1 A: Elementary student’s book: Classroom language: Open your books, please, How do you say … in english?, Can you speak more slowly?,Work in pairs, groups,… Speaking: “My name’s Hannah, not Anna”, pag: 4.


ZAB INF 5 16/09/19 Lesson 1.1  Let’s say hello to Ollie and sing. Vocabulary: Para afianzar el vocabulario, se les enseña varias flashcards y se les pregunta: Is he a boy?, is she a girl?, is her hair blond?, is his her Brown?. Speaking: También lo realizamos con cada uno de ellos, nos describimos físicamente. […]


ZAB INF 5.1 17/09/19 Lesson 1.1 Let’s say hello to Ollie and sing. Vocabulary: Para afianzar el vocabulario, se les enseña varias flashcards y se les pregunta: Is he a boy?, is she a girl?, is her hair blond?, is his her Brown?. Speaking: También lo realizamos con cada uno de ellos, nos describimos físicamente. […]